Spine Manipulation


What is Spine Manipulation?

Spine manipulation is a type of alternative medicine that uses manual therapy to adjust the spine. Proponents of this therapy believe that it can improve spinal function and alleviate pain. Spine manipulation is sometimes used as a treatment for low back pain, neck pain, and headaches.

How It Works

The theory behind spine manipulation is that misalignments in the spine can cause pain and other health problems. By manually manipulating the spine, practitioners believe they can improve spinal function and relieve pain.

There are different types of spine manipulation, but all involve using the hands to apply force to the spine. The force is applied in a quick, controlled movement. The goal is to realign the spine and improve range of motion.

Spine manipulation is usually performed by a licensed chiropractor, osteopathic physician, or physiotherapist.

How Can I Benefit from Spine Manipulation?

There are many benefits that come with getting spine manipulation done by a professional. These benefits include:

– Relief from pain

– Increased range of motion

– Improved flexibility

– Decreased muscle tension

– Better posture

If you are suffering from any type of pain or discomfort, spine manipulation may be able to help. Schedule an appointment with a qualified practitioner today and see how this alternative therapy can improve your life!

What to expect in your consult?


On arrival, you’ll be greeted with a smile by our lovely admin team. You’ll then meet your podiatrist, who will listen to your history, work with you to perform a thorough assessment and begin treatment to get to the bottom of your concerns.
Your time is valuable, so you can complete your client forms either in person or online before your appointment to make things run smoothly. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to ask. We’re here to help!

We’ll stay in touch by sending personal emails or SMS (not bulk spam), and also ask for feedback after your appointments so we can continue to improve our service to you.